• Hospital
  • NHS hospital

Good Hope Hospital

Overall: Insufficient evidence to rate read more about inspection ratings

Rectory Road, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 7RR (0121) 424 2000

Provided and run by:
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Important: This service was previously managed by a different provider - see old profile

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Overall inspection

Insufficient evidence to rate

Updated 14 February 2024

Good Hope Hospital is operated by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. Good Hope Hospital predominantly serves the areas of Sutton Coldfield, North Birmingham and a large proportion of southeast Staffordshire. The catchment area is approximately 450,000 people.

Our inspection was focused on the medicine core service and Urgent and Emergency Care at Good Hope Hospital. The medical core service spans across 4 divisions at the trust (divisions 2, 3, 4, and 7) and the Urgent and Emergency Care was under division 2.

We carried out an unannounced focused inspection to follow up on the Section 29a Warning Notice which was issued following the full core service inspection of the medicine core service which we carried out in December 2022. We identified serious concerns within the staffing of the medical core service and gave the trust a notice to advise them that significant improvements were required. We gave the trust until 15 March 2023 to make these improvements.

We inspected Urgent and Emergency Care due to concerns which were raised. We identified serious concerns in relation to safeguarding knoweldge and practice.

At our last inspection in December 2022, we rated the medical core service as requires improvement overall, with inadequate in safe.

Following this inspection, under Section 31 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008, we imposed conditions on the registration of the provider in respect to the regulated activity; Treatment of disease, disorder or injury. We took this urgent action as we believed a person would or may be exposed to the risk of harm if we had not done so. Imposing conditions means the provider must manage regulated activity in a way which complies with the conditions we set. The conditions related to the medical wards at Good Hope Hospital as well as Urgent and Emergency Care.

Diagnostic imaging

Updated 6 February 2020

We carried out an unannounced focused inspection of the diagnostic imaging service at Good Hope Hospital on 22 August 2019, in response to concerning information we had received in relation to a serious incident. We did not inspect any other core services, or any other locations provided by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.

We did not cover all key questions or lines of enquiry and we did not rate this service at this inspection. We inspected elements of safe, responsive and well led.


Requires improvement

Updated 13 February 2019


  • There was a good awareness and escalation when patients’ condition deteriorated and a good awareness of sepsis. 
  • Medical assessments and nursing risk assessments were completed and reviewed appropriately; there was an excellent multi-disciplinary approach to care and clear plans of care for patients. 
  • Care pathways and journeys were used for routine procedures to ensure a consistent approach to care. 
  • Patients’ pain was regularly assessed and effectively managed. Patients were aware of the plans for their care and felt involved in decision making. 
  • Good clinical leadership was in place at every level. Staff had access to training and development and completion of mandatory training was generally good. 
  • Staff had attended adult safeguarding training and there was good awareness of safeguarding policies and procedures. 
  • Staff worked well together; they were supportive of each other and were committed to improving the quality of patient care. 
  • We observed patients’ privacy and dignity being maintained and a professional and sensitive approach by staff when providing care. 
  • There was excellent leadership from managers and surgeons who led surgical teams. 
  • The surgical department was innovative and consistently striving to improve. 
  • The surgical team were leaders in some surgical procedures.