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  • Care home

Archived: European Lifestyles (C) - 100 Pembroke Road

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

100 Pembroke Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex, EN1 4EY (020) 8364 7427

Provided and run by:
Embrace Lifestyles (C) Limited

All Inspections

22 and 23 October 2014

During a routine inspection

We undertook an unannounced inspection on 22 and 23 October 2014 of European Lifestyles (C), 100 Pembroke Road. The inspection was carried out by one inspector. This care home provides support to three people with learning disabilities. At the time of our inspection two people were using the service.

At our last inspection on 17 October 2013 the service met the regulations inspected.

The service had a registered manager in post at the time of our inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

On the days of the inspection there was a calm and relaxed atmosphere in the home. One person who used the service was out all day at the day centre and another person was at the home during our inspection. We saw staff interact with this person in a respectful manner and they appeared comfortable around staff.

People at the home were unable to verbally express their views. Staff therefore communicated with them in other ways such as using specific body language, gestures, facial expressions and key words.

Staff had received training in how to recognise and report abuse. Staff we spoke with were knowledgeable in recognising signs of abuse and the associated reporting procedures. Medicines were securely stored and administered.

Assessments were undertaken to identify people’s health and support needs and any risks to people who used the service and others. Care plans were in place to reduce the risks identified.

Where people using the service lacked capacity to understand certain decisions related to their care and treatment, their relatives were consulted and this was confirmed by relatives we spoke with.

Staff had the skills and knowledge to support people who used the service. There were enough staff available at the service and staffing levels were determined according to people’s individual needs.

The registered manager at the home was familiar with all of the people living there.

17 October 2013

During a routine inspection

Because people at the home were not always able to communicate verbally with us, we spent time observing interactions between staff and people using the service to see what effect those interactions had on people's well being. We were also able to talk with all people's relatives, over the phone, after the inspection.

Staff we spoke with understood the importance of obtaining the consent of the person before any care or treatment took place. Relatives we spoke with were positive about the care and treatment provided at the home and confirmed that they were included in any decisions about people's care and support.

Staff understood the ways people expressed their needs and were able to communicate with people effectively. We saw that the way staff were interacting with people had a positive effect on their well-being.

People were protected against the risks associated with medicines because the provider had appropriate arrangements in place to manage medicines.

Relatives we spoke with were positive about the staff. One relative commented 'the staff are really nice, friendly and caring.' Staff told us they felt supported by the management and that there were good training opportunities available within the organisation.

Most relatives told us they had no complaints about the service but knew how to make a complaint if they needed to. Staff explained to us how they would assist someone to raise a concern or make a complaint.

26 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service, because people had complex needs which meant they were not always able to tell us their experiences. We spoke to the relatives of 2 people, who told us that staff were kind and respected people's privacy.

Staff we spoke with had a good understanding of the needs of the people they supported as well as the potential risks associated with each individual. Throughout the inspection we observed staff supporting people in a way that met their needs and protected their rights.

Relatives told us they had no concerns or complaints about the service but would talk to the manager if they needed to. They confirmed that the manager was 'open' and took any concerns seriously.

Effective recruitment and selection processes were in place and appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work. Relatives were positive about the staff at the home. They told us that staff were approachable and responded to their suggestions and requests. We observed staff treating people with kindness and working in a relaxed and unhurried manner.

Relatives confirmed that the management and staff asked them how things were going and if they were happy with the care and support provided at the home.

We saw that the manager carried out regular checks at the home including health and safety audits to make sure people were being supported in a safe environment.

29 March 2011

During a routine inspection

Not everyone in the home can communicate verbally so we spent time observing people who use the service to see what effect the environment and staff interactions had on peoples' wellbeing.

We could see that staff were involving people in decisions about their care and respecting these decisions.

We saw that people are able to be part of the local community and relatives confirmed that staff support people to go out of the home on a regular basis to attend community events, local leisure facilities, day centres and visits to relatives.

We observed staff asking people if they wanted help with their care and we saw that their decisions were being respected. One person told us, 'They talk to me'.

We observed positive interactions between staff and people using the service. We saw that people appeared happy and relaxed with the staff. People were being supported appropriately and we saw that staff were following people's care needs as detailed in their care plans.

Relatives we spoke with told us they were very happy with the care provided by the service. A relative commented, 'They look after him'.

People confirmed that regular reviews of care take place with the service and other stakeholders. They confirmed that they went through care plans with the manager and were asked about their views. Relatives said that the service was able to meet the changing needs of people at the home.

People who use the service appeared happy with the food provided by the service. One person commented, 'It's nice'. They confirmed there was enough to eat and that they had a choice of menu. Relatives we spoke with told us they had no concerns about the food.

Relatives we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the way the home cooperates with other health and social care providers such as doctors, dentists and opticians. They confirmed that any advice and services were obtained in a timely manner and that they were informed about any such contact.

Relatives we spoke with said the staff were very kind and that they had no concerns about peoples' safety at the home. A person who uses the service said, 'I feel safe'.

Relatives we spoke with told us the home was always clean. They said they saw staff wearing appropriate aprons when preparing food and washing their hands.

Comments from relatives included, 'It's always clean and tidy' and 'The home is lovely, it's kept clean'.

Relatives confirmed that they had been involved in decorating and furnishing peoples' rooms. A relative commented, 'It's a lovely home, it's a lovely room'.

The home has access for people with disabilities and a lift to all floors. Doors are wide enough for people who use wheelchairs to move around freely.

Relatives we spoke with told us they were happy with the staff at the home. A relative commented that the staff were, 'absolutely brilliant'.

Another relative commented, 'Staff work hard'.

We observed staff supporting people in a friendly manner and people who use the service were getting on well with staff and looked relaxed with them.

A person who uses the service confirmed that staff did a good job and knew what they were doing when providing support.

Not all relatives we spoke with were satisfied with the staffing levels at the home. People said that staff work very hard and do a good job however there are times when more staff are needed.

Relatives we spoke with said the manager and staff were approachable and friendly. A relative commented, 'Nothing is too much trouble' and 'They do the best they can'. Relatives said the staff worked hard and that they had confidence in their abilities.

People who use the service and relatives we spoke with told us they thought the quality of care provided at the home was good.

Relatives told us they had not made any complaints about the service but knew about the home's complaints policy and procedure.