• Community
  • Community healthcare service

Archived: Bay House Headquarters

Unit 2 Riviera Park, Nicholson Road, Torquay, Devon, TQ2 7TD (01803) 210500

Provided and run by:
Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust

Important: This service was previously managed by a different provider - see old profile

All Inspections

13 July 2012

During a routine inspection

We (the Care Quality Commission) carried out a visit to Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust Headquarters on 9th July 2012 to inspect the community healthcare services provided by the Trust. For this inspection we specifically looked at the district nursing services, although we did come across other professionals working alongside or within integrated teams. This inspection was carried out with short notice

(the preceding working day) to allow for the appropriate people to be available to assist us.

We visited four teams providing nursing and care to people living in their own homes and care homes. We inspected the Paignton (North and South teams) based at Paignton hospital on 10th July 2012; the team based in the rural South Hams operating out of Kingsbridge hospital on the 11th July 2012; the Moorland team based at Bovey Tracey hospital on the 11th July 2012 and the Teignmouth team, based at Teignmouth hospital on the 12th July 2012. We also followed up action plans regarding safeguarding incidents that had occurred in the previous year in Teignmouth, South Hams and Bovey Tracey to see improvements that had been made.

At the Trust headquarters we looked at the quality assurance systems in place, recent audits and action plans in relation to recent safeguarding issues. We also discussed the training and development systems in place.

When we visited the team offices we spoke with staff, looked at the records kept and saw how staff were supported with training and professional development.

We also visited 16 people in their own homes with their consent, and spoke with another 12 on the telephone about their care.

We saw that people were asked about giving their consent to treatment. One person we spoke with told us that they were fully consulted about and were asked to consent to every aspect of their care, which was complex and varied regularly. Another person we spoke with told us that they did not like the three layer bandages they had on their legs as they felt their mobility was impaired. So when they were going out for the day, they negotiated with the nurses and only two layers were applied on that occasion. This was recorded in the care plan. This showed us that the nurses were respecting people's wishes, and involving them in decisions about their care.

People that we spoke with who were receiving a service told us the care they received was of a very high standard. People said:

'The nurses who come to me are wonderful. I have had the best treatment, they always tell me how I am getting on, and keep trying new things to help.'

'All of the nurses who come are excellent. If we need to go out they will re-arrange their visits, and if we need them in a hurry they always come really quickly. This gives me such peace of mind.'

'They feel like family now'

'They always manage to get to me, through snow or floods, whatever the weather. I am very grateful to them all, they are lovely.'

'The nurses were heaven sent to me. I could not have asked for any more'

'All the nurses are wonderful, brilliant. I have received a splendid service for two years. All the team are nice people, offering advice on more general matters as well'.

'Couldn't think of anything to improve the service; they often have to rush off because a lot of their time is taken up with paper work, but they listen to me and my [relative]. They are patient- brilliant nursing!.

One person who had complex care needs told us about how the nurses who came to them were always positive despite the challenging nature of the work they carried out with them. They told us that the staff made it easier for them to accept the nursing care needed through their attitude and approach.

Other people told us they felt the staff team had become like family to them. One person told us that the same staff had been coming to them for several years, and that despite the fact they had given him advice he had refused to take, they still had a very positive relationship.