Archived: Honeylands Specialist Child Assessment Centre

Pinhoe Road, Exeter, Devon, EX4 8AD (01392) 207778

Provided and run by:
Devon PCT

All Inspections

4 July 2012

During a routine inspection

We (the Care Quality Commission) carried out an unannounced visit to Honeylands Specialist Child Development Centre on 04 July 2012. This is one of two centres in Devon which provides multidisciplinary assessment and therapies for children from birth to five years old with developmental difficulties.Honeylands moved to a newly built premises in August 2011. Children were referred to Honeylands for assessment by their GP, health visitor and pre school nursery or via the neonatal unit at the Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust.

We spoke with five parents and a grandparent and asked them about their experiences and met nine children who attended the centre on the day of our visit. We looked in detail at the care of four children who were attending the centre. We spoke to parents of tow of those children, looked at their care records and asked staff about their care. We observed two therapy intervention groups, one for younger children and the other for older preschool children.

Parents were very appreciative of having access to a range of specialist services in one place, when needed. They told us about the benefits of speaking to other parents at the centre having similar experiences. They said staff at Honeylands were approachable and were available for advice and support. One parent told us how much their child had improved since attending Honeylands and how they can now sit up and move around a lot more than previously.

We spoke with twelve staff at the centre and spoke to a care manager who works closely with them. The staff included a team of specialist nursery nurses, paediatricians, clinical psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational, music and speech and language therapists. All staff we met told us how they worked together as a team to ensure that each child was supported to develop and become more independent. They undertook regular training and were knowledgeable about children's needs and how to meet them.

The centre had a variety of quality monitoring systems in place and regular audits and checks were carried out and improvements made, as needed.

We found Honeylands Specialist Child Development Centre was meeting the five outcome standards we looked at during our visit.