• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

Archived: Unit 10.1.1 The Leathermarket

11-13 Weston Street, London, SE1 3ER (020) 3189 4604

Provided and run by:
Concordia Community Outpatients Limited

All Inspections

23 December 2013

During a routine inspection

People expressed their views and were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. We reviewed the records for ten people who had appointments with the dermatology service and ten people who had appointments with the oral surgery service.

People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual plan of care. One member of staff told us that when a referral was made for any of the provider's services, people's needs would be assessed.

Staff we spoke with said that they discussed safeguarding as part of their induction but the induction records we reviewed did not show safeguarding was one of the induction subjects.

We saw evidence that an audit had been carried out at one of the provider's clinics. We saw the report for December 2013. This looked at various processes wihin the clinic such as referrals, the use of prescriptions, appointments systems and sampled clincal notes that had been completed.

We spoke with one member of staff who told us that complaints would be dealt with as quickly as possible. They also said that all complaints would be logged on the provider's web-based system which recorded the actions taken and following up when resolving a complaint.