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Archived: NYS Nursing Agency Ltd

Overall: Insufficient evidence to rate read more about inspection ratings

6 Sharoe Green Lane, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 8ED (01772) 717070

Provided and run by:
NYS Nursing Agency Ltd

All Inspections

26 June 2015

During a routine inspection

This inspection took place on 26 June 2015 and was announced. We informed the provider that a comprehensive inspection had been scheduled 48 hours before we visited to ensure that we could gain access to the information we needed to look at.

NYS Nursing Agency is a domiciliary care agency providing practical and personal care to people in the Preston and surrounding areas. At the time of the inspection there was one person who had recently accessed the service and was being provided one hour of personal care daily.

NYS Nursing Agency registered to provide personal care and treatment of disease, disorder or injury in August 2013. Since registration the provider has had two people access the service for domiciliary care services.

We were assisted throughout the inspection by the registered manager who is also the owner of NYS Nursing Agency.  

A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

This was the first inspection of NYS Nursing Agency since its registration with the Commission in August 2013.

At the time of the inspection, the service had not become fully operational and as such, we were unable to speak with anyone who had used it. However, we were able to discuss the plans in place to deliver the service in accordance with the fundamental standards of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 with the registered manager.

During this inspection we looked at how the provider intended to develop the service and we looked at processes for responding to safeguarding concerns and complaints. We inspected the service's recruitment and staff training procedures and discussed with the provider how standards of service provision would be monitored.

We were unable to gather sufficient evidence to support a robust judgement and provide a rating for the service. The one registered client did not wish to engage with the inspection process, therefore we were unable to report on peoples experience of the service provided.

We found that the service needed to develop areas such as recruitment, staff training and support for workers to ensure that home care provision was specific to individuals needs within a domiciliary setting. We have made a recommendation in respect of recruitment and supporting staff.

NYS Nursing Agency also provides nurses and care workers to care home and hospital settings. We did not inspect this division of the service, it does not fall within inspection regulations of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. However, we found that the provider did not have specific induction and training procedures in place to clearly define staff roles and responsibilities when working within domiciliary care.