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  • Homecare service

Archived: Weald Care Limited (H/O - SW Region)

Suite A, Linden House, Woodside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1LG (01483) 801810

Provided and run by:
Weald Care Limited

All Inspections

3 March 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

The purpose of this inspection was to follow-up on the areas of non-compliance that we identified at our previous inspection on 2 December 2013.

During this inspection we spoke with one person who used the service and two people's relatives. They told us 'We are very happy with the service' and 'The service is of a good quality.'

We found that since the previous inspection the provider had ensured that people's care needs and risks to them were effectively identified and recorded. A care plan summary sheet had been introduced to provide staff with clear guidance about people's care needs.

Staff had undertaken training in moving and handling.

People's needs and risks in relation to medicines had been identified. Relevant staff had undertaken training in medicines administration.

Staff had received supervision and this had been recorded.

2 December 2013

During an inspection in response to concerns

We spoke with two people who used the service and one person's relative, who were all very positive about the service. One person's relative told us 'I am very happy with the service' another person commented 'Excellent service.' People felt that the staff were competent and they were confident in their ability.

We found that there was inconsistency in the care planning process. People's initial assessments had not always been fully documented, risk assessments had not always been completed and written care plans were not in place.

There was no risk assessment in place for people who took medicines. A member of staff administered medicines without having attended medicines training, although they had received in-house guidance from the registered manager. People's medicine administration had been correctly recorded.

There were adequate safeguarding processes in place.

Appropriate pre-employment checks had been undertaken in relation to new staff.

Staff had received an induction and were in the process of completing the Common Induction Standards. However, not all staff had received supervision and staff supervision sessions had not been documented.