• Residential substance misuse service

Archived: TTP Lancaster

Walter Lyon House, Quernmore Road, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 3JT

Provided and run by:
Landre Management Services Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

25 November 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with a range of people about the centre. They included the registered manager, staff members and people currently using the service.

The people we spoke with were all at varying stages of their rehabilitation programme.

They were all extremely positive about the service and confident about achieving success during their stay. One person told us, "This place has made such a positive difference to my life."

We spent time in the communal areas making observations of how people were being supported. This helped us to observe the daily routines and gain an insight into how people's support was being managed. We observed staff interacting with people who required support. Staff treated people with respect and dignity.