Archived: Vista Home Care Services Ltd

1 Market Street, Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire, BD19 3RT (01924) 402144

Provided and run by:
Vista Home Care Services Limited

Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

All Inspections

7 November 2013

During a routine inspection

At the time of our visit there were 14 people who were receiving personal care as part of their care package from the service. We spoke with one person who was using the service, two relatives and two members of staff. These were some of the things they told us:

'My care plan was agreed with me and is very thorough. I have regular carers who turn up on time and who have been trained to do the job. Staff are respectful and understand confidentiality. The staff are very good and never leave without asking if there is anything else I need. I have had other agencies before but this is the best.'

'We are very satisfied with the service. The carers know what they are doing and are reliable.'

'It's a small company, all of the staff are good, we are well supported and staff morale is good.'

People were fully involved in designing and reviewing their care packages.

There were systems in place to make sure that people were kept safe and procedures for reporting any suspected abuse.

Before stating work staff were being properly checked to make sure they were suitable and safe to work with vulnerable people.

Our conversations with people and staff indicated staff were well trained and that they felt supported in their role.

There was a complaints procedure in place and people told us they would feel able to raise any concerns.