• Doctor
  • GP practice

Archived: Willow Tree Family Doctors

301 Kingsbury Road, Kingsbury, London, NW9 9PE (020) 8204 7456

Provided and run by:
Willow Tree Family Doctors

All Inspections

13 December 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with 11 people who used the service, and the Chair of the Patient Participation Group. People were generally happy with the service they received. One person told us "They give very good care, they are very caring. Excellent bedside manner". Another said "I always have to wait for my appointment, sometimes more than half an hour. But I always get to see the doctor I choose and they are excellent, they treat me very well and give me all the information I need to make decisions for myself". A third person told us "On the whole they are very good".

We found that the service provided care and treatment that met people's needs, and had taken steps to protect people from the risk of abuse.

The premises was clean and mostly met government standards for infection control.

The provider operated suitable recruitment and selection procedures, and staff were qualified, skilled and experienced for their roles.

The provider took appropriate steps to seek and act on feedback from people, and had in place a range of quality assurance measures to improve the service.