Archived: Cozycare

16 Chandlers, Orton Brimbles, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE2 5YW (01733) 570100

Provided and run by:
Merit Home Care Limited

All Inspections

31 July 2013

During a routine inspection

People who used the service had the right level of information to make a decision about their care. People we spoke with told us that choices were provided by staff before undertaking any care and support.

We spoke with four people who used the service and they had positive comments about the quality of the care provided. One person told us that their care was, “Fine. No complaints.” Another person told us that the staff were, “Polite and lovely.”

People's standard of health and welfare was maintained. Staff had access to care records to ensure that they provided people with safe care and support. However, two of the three care records we saw did not reflect the current care and support being delivered.

When reviewing medication administration records (MARs) we did not see evidence of accurate documentation to ensure that people were protected against the misuse of medication.

There were effective staffing levels in place to ensure the safety and well-being of people who used the service.

We did not see an effective quality assurance system in place. This was because the provider had not undertaken any quality monitoring to continually assess the quality of the service provided therefore ensuring that people received on-going safe care and support.

9 January and 5 February 2013

During a routine inspection

All of the people who used the service that were spoken with said that they were happy. This was because people were treated with respect, supported by members of staff and their care needs were met. One person told us that the provider offered a, "Very, very, good service indeed". Another told us that, "The care given is lovely and [the provider] is very good to me."

People who we spoke with told us that they were involved in all discussion of their care and were confident to raise any concerns as communication with the provider was good.

People were protected from abuse as the provider had ensured that systems, information and staff training were in place.

Effective staff recruitment and training was in place to make sure that people who used the service received safe support and care from suitable, skilled, and knowledgeable staff.

There was an effective system in place for people to make a complaint if they wished to do so.