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Jubilee Angels

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Victoria Methodist Church, Stafford Road, Sheffield, S2 2SE (0114) 349 8153

Provided and run by:
Jubilee Angels Limited

All Inspections

12 April 2022

During an inspection looking at part of the service

About the service

Jubilee Angels is a domiciliary care agency based in Sheffield providing personal care to 11 people at the time of the inspection. Not everyone who used the service received personal care. CQC only inspects where people receive personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do, we also consider any wider social care provided.

People’s experience of using this service and what we found

People were very happy with the care they received, and they told us they felt safe when receiving care from the service.

Staff understood how to recognise and alert others to potential abuse involving people who used the service. The risks associated with people’s care and support needs were assessed, managed and kept under review. People received a consistent and reliable service, provided by regular staff with whom they were familiar.

The provider demonstrated safe recruitment practices. They carried out checks on the suitability of staff before they started work. Some improvements to record keeping around recruitment were discussed, and these improvements were addressed by the registered manager and provider.

People had the support they needed to manage and take their medicines safely. The provider had measures in place to protect people from infections. The management team reviewed any accidents or incidents involving people who used the service, in order to learn from these.

The management team promoted a person-centred culture within the service. People’s care and support was kind and caring. People and their relatives were encouraged to provide feedback about the service they received, so any improvements could be identified.

The provider had quality assurance systems and processes in place to enable them to monitor and improve people's care. Methods used to provide feedback to people need to be more structured, embedded and sustained to ensure they remained effective. Staff and management sought to maintain positive working relationships with the community professionals involved in people’s care.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk

Rating at last inspection and update

The last rating for this service was good (published 22 September 2020)

Why we inspected

We undertook this inspection as part of a random selection of services which have had a recent Direct Monitoring Approach (DMA) assessment where no further action was needed. We were seeking assurance about this decision and to identify learning about the DMA process.

For those key questions not inspected, we used the ratings awarded at the last inspection to calculate the overall rating.

You can read the report from our last comprehensive inspection, by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Jubilee Angels on our website at www.cqc.org.uk.

Follow up

We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service, which will help inform when we next inspect.

7 September 2020

During an inspection looking at part of the service

About the service

Jubilee Angels is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care in people's own homes. At the time of the inspection the service was providing care and support to one person.

People's experience of using this service and what we found

The person using the service was very satisfied with quality of support provided. Their comments included, “I would more than recommend the quality of the service, support and staff.” The service had also received positive feedback from the person’s relative. Their comments included, “The carers have sometimes gone beyond their duties in caring for my (family member). I would highly recommend Jubilee Angels.”

The person using the service did not express any concerns about their safety. Support was provided by the same core group of staff, which promoted good continuity of care. Systems were in place to safeguard people from abuse. Medicines were managed safely at the service. Staff had received infection control training.

Since the last inspection the provider had introduced new support planning and assessment documentation. The person’s support plan and risk assessment had been reviewed so it reflected their individual needs and was person-centred.

The person who used the service was supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.

There was a robust system in place to ensure people’s support plans and risk assessments were reviewed regularly and in response to any change in needs. The person using the service knew who the registered manager was and knew they could ask to speak with them if they had any concerns or complaints. The registered manager had actively sought peoples and their representative views, by ringing people or their representatives for feedback.

The registered manager and staff promoted high-quality, person-centred care and support. A range of regular checks had been introduced at the service to identify any areas for improvement and to ensure it provided high-quality care and support. The registered manager had fully embedded these into practice since the last inspection.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk

Rating at last inspection and update

The last rating for this service was requires improvement (published 19 September 2019). The provider was in breach of regulation 9 (Person-centred care) and regulation 17 (Good governance) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. The provider completed an action plan after the last inspection to show what they would do and by when to improve. At this inspection we found improvements had been made and the provider was no longer in breach of regulations.

Why we inspected

We undertook this focused inspection to check they had followed their action plan and to confirm they now met the legal requirements and to ensure they had improved in related areas. This report only covers our findings in relation to the key questions, safe, effective, responsive and well-led.

The ratings from the previous comprehensive inspection for those key questions not looked at on this occasion were used in calculating the overall rating at this inspection. The overall rating for the service has changed from requires improvement to good. This is based on the findings at this inspection.

You can read the report from our last comprehensive inspection, by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Jubilee Angels on our website at www.cqc.org.uk.

22 August 2019

During a routine inspection

About the service

Jubilee Angels is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care in people’s own homes. At the time of the inspection the service was providing care and support to one person.

People’s experience of using this service and what we found

The person who used the service was very happy with the care and support they received. They told us they felt safe in the company of staff and received support from the same core group of staff, which promoted good continuity of care. Staff clearly knew how to provide personalised and safe care. Staff were trained to administer people’s medicines safely.

The person who used the service told us care records reflected their identified needs. However, as the service had failed to clearly identify this person’s needs through robust assessment at the point of admission, we were concerned this impacted on the overall quality of care planning and risk assessment. We saw one example where assessment relating to the person’s eating and drinking requirements were not accurately completed. The person who used the service said they were regularly consulted by staff about their care and felt listened to. However, these discussions were not being recorded and care plans were not being regularly reviewed.

The management team were passionate about delivering good care and had a good relationship with the person receiving care. The management team were involved in care delivery, so they had a good oversight of the person’s care and support. The service had a range of quality assurance systems in place to monitor and improve the service. However, these were not always being used effectively by the management team and we found instances where they had not followed the provider’s own policies and procedures in relation to service delivery.

The person who used the service was supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk

Rating at last inspection

This service was registered with us on 30/08/2018 and this is the first inspection.

Why we inspected

This was a planned inspection based on the date of registration of the service.


We have identified breaches in relation to assessing people’s needs and the systems of governance.

Please see the action we have told the provider to take at the end of this report.

Follow up

We will request an action plan for the provider to understand what they will do to improve the standards of quality and safety. We will work alongside the provider and local authority to monitor progress. We will return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If we receive any concerning information we may inspect sooner.