• Care Home
  • Care home

Bluebell Court Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Wellington Street West, Salford, M7 2FH (0161) 708 8604

Provided and run by:
Unity Homes Limited

All Inspections

6 July 2023

During a monthly review of our data

We carried out a review of the data available to us about Bluebell Court Care Home on 6 July 2023. We have not found evidence that we need to carry out an inspection or reassess our rating at this stage.

This could change at any time if we receive new information. We will continue to monitor data about this service.

If you have concerns about Bluebell Court Care Home, you can give feedback on this service.

5 March 2021

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Bluebell Court is a purpose-built care home in the Broughton area of Salford, providing both residential and nursing care for up to 69 older adults. At the time of the inspection there were 62 people using the service.

The home is situated over two floors with lift and stair access. There are a variety of communal areas on each floor including lounges, dining rooms and a sensory room. Outside there is a garden area.

We found the following examples of good practice.

Essential visitors to the service were screened for symptoms of respiratory infections prior to being admitted into the home. They were supplied with personal protective equipment (PPE) and supported with hand hygiene before and during any visit.

Alternative methods of contact between people and their family and friends was supported within the home. Good information was given to friends and family and communication was on-going.

Staff wore appropriate PPE when delivering personal care to people and disposal of PPE followed current guidance. Staff had received training in the use of PPE from the local infection prevention and control (IPC) team. There was a designated IPC lead who took responsibility for all IPC issues. The service had a good understanding of when to seek advice and where to go for this.

Cleaning schedules were followed to ensure the home was kept hygienic and safe. The IPC policy was current and appropriate. Good ventilation was in evidence throughout the home.

Whole home testing was taking place. Symptomatic people were isolated in their own rooms or cohorted where possible. Risk assessments were in place with regard to people who could not be isolated successfully, for example, where they were living with dementia and walked around with purpose.

The service ensured people had been tested for COVID-19 prior to being admitted. People were isolated for 14 days, as per guidance, following admission. Risk assessments were in place for all, with particular risk assessments for people in higher risk groups. There were specific rooms identified for use to keep people safe.

A new entrance was in the process of being built at the home. This would provide a room where people could meet without accessing the rest of the home.

Further information is in the detailed findings below.

22 January 2019

During a routine inspection

About the service: Bluebell Court is a purpose built care home in the Broughton area of Salford, providing both residential and nursing care for up to 69 older adults. There were 61 people living in the home at the time of inspection. There were two floors with lift and stair access, there were a variety of communal areas on each floor including, lounges, dining rooms and a sensory room. Outside there is a garden area which was being developed further to enable people to enjoy gardening.

Why we inspected: This was the first inspection since the home registered separately from The Willows in July 2018. We had brought the inspection forward in response to some concerns raised by a whistle blower relating to moving and handling practices. A specialist nurse advisor with relevant experience was part of the inspection team to support us to consider these concerns. We found evidence of good practice and could not substantiate the concerns raised. We discuss this in more detail in the safe domain of this report.

People’s experience of using this service: People living in the home received good care which was responsive to their needs and preferences. Staff were skilled and received regular training to ensure they were up to date with their knowledge and best practice principles. People told us they felt safe and supported by staff who understood their needs. People had been supported to manage the risks they encountered in their daily life in ways that promoted their choice and independence. Risk assessments and care plans had been regularly evaluated to ensure they reflected any changes. People were supported to maintain their health and wellbeing and were referred to other health and social care professionals in a timely way. Most people said they enjoyed the food though some people felt it was just alright. People had a choice of when they ate their main meal as there were two cooked meals a day and alternate options if preferred.

Staff were observed to be kind and caring when interacting with people living in the home and with each other. Most people told us they felt cared for by the staff and praised their patience and sympathetic support. However one person told us they would like to have more time with the staff.

The home was well led by a committed registered manager who was accessible to all. The staff team worked well together and had shared values and a commitment to providing high quality care for people living in the home. The management team had robust systems in place which ensured care was provided as described in line with best practice guidelines.

This met the characteristics of good overall with requires improvement in one area. This was because the home had not submitted some notifications required by the regulations to CQC.

More information is in the full report.