• Doctor
  • GP practice

Archived: West Kingsdown Medical Centre

London Road, West Kingsdown, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 6EJ (01474) 855000

Provided and run by:
West Kingsdown Medical Centre

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

All Inspections

2 September 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Our inspection on 7 January 2014 found that patients were not always protected from the risks of healthcare acquired infection because there was a lack of effective systems in place to maintain appropriate standards to prevent and control the risk.

We also found that suitable arrangements were not in place to ensure that staff were trained, supported and appraised in relation to their responsibilities.

We asked the provider to take action to address these concerns. They wrote to us informing us that these issues would be resolved by 31 August.

We inspected on the 2 September and found that some issues were still unresolved. These were issues that needed co-operation between the landlords of the premises, NHS Property Services and NHS England to resolve. We found however that that great majority of issues had been addressed and the provider was compliant with the regulations.

7 January 2014

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three patients who told us they were satisfied with the service provided. They said they sometimes experienced difficulties obtaining a routine appointment that suited their needs. However, they told us that in an emergency they had always been seen on the same day.

We saw that treatment options and medications prescribed were discussed and sufficient time given for patients to talk about their health issues with their practitioner.

Although we found the location to be clean and tidy, we found that there were not effective systems in place to reduce the risk and the spread of infection.

Processes around staff training were not robust. For example, not all staff had been trained in basic life support.

There was a system in place to ensure the provider monitored and maintained the quality of service provision at the practice.