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  • Homecare service

6 Celtic Farm Road Also known as Rainham Library

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Rainham Library, 6 Celtic Farm Road, Rainham, RM13 9GP 07484 939652

Provided and run by:
Crystalize Care Services Ltd

All Inspections

12 March 2019

During a routine inspection

About the service:

6 Celtic Farm Road provides personal care to people who live in their own homes. The service's office is based in Rainham, Havering, London. Care is provided in the London borough of Havering.

¿ At the time of our inspection, three people used the service and there were four staff.

People's experience of using this service:

¿ People received care and support that met their needs. People and their relatives told us staff assessed their needs and developed care plans before they started using the service.

¿ Staff attended adult safeguarding training and knew how to report any concerns of abuse.

¿ Risk assessments were completed for each person. These identified potential risks to people and provided guidance to staff on how to manage them.

¿ Staff promoted people's privacy, dignity and independence. Staff had good understanding of equality and diversity.

¿ There were enough staff to provide care and meet people's needs.

¿ Staff employed at the service were properly checked and were provided with induction, training, supervision and support to care for people effectively.

¿ Where people needed support with medicines, this was managed well.

¿ Staff knew how to reduce the risk of infections. They had access to personal protective equipment such as gloves, shoe covers and aprons.

¿ Staff knew how to help people access emergency medical services, when needed.

¿ Where required, staff supported people with meals that met their dietary preferences.

¿ There was good management system in place. The registered manager was supported by the provider, who also worked full time at the service.

¿ The registered manager had developed effective systems to assess and monitor the quality of the service.

¿ Staff continuously asked people and relatives what they thought about the service. The registered manager had developed survey questionnaires to be used as part of a formal quality assurance system.

¿ The service worked with care professionals to plan and deliver an effective service.

Rating at last inspection:

¿ This was the first inspection of the service. The service was registered on 12 March 2018.

Why we inspected:

¿ This was a planned inspection based on the registration of the service. We found the service met the characteristics of Good in all areas.

Follow up:

¿ We will continue to monitor the service to ensure that people receive safe, compassionate, high quality care.

Further inspections will be planned for future dates.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk