• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Archived: Synexus Midlands Clinical Research Centre

Birmingham Research Park, Vincent Drive, Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands, B15 2SQ (0121) 414 0303

Provided and run by:
Synexus Limited

All Inspections

4 July 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with 13 people who were visiting the Synexus premises on the day of our visit. Some people had been participating in clinical trials for several years, and for some people this was their first visit.

Everyone told us that they had been provided with information about the clinical trial they were considering or taking part in. One person said, 'Staff here are very good at explaining things.' We found people were helped to fully understand the potential risks and benefits of the trial they were considering and their written consent was sought.

We found people were well supported clinically throughout the trial they were participating in. People spoke highly of the staff and their comments included,' (Staff member) works hard to put you at ease' and 'staff here are professional and friendly.'

We found that staff had been well trained to undertake the screening tests used, and also in research methods. People told us staff were knowledgeable, and staff told us they felt well trained to undertake their role.

The systems in place to ensure staff were suitable for the role they had applied for needed further development. We were given information showing that the required changes for improvement had already been identified and action commenced by Synexus.

There were many established procedures in place to ensure that the service provided by Synexus was safe, efficient and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.