• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

Archived: Windhill Green Medical Practice

2 Thackley Old Road, Windhill, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 1QB (01274) 584223

Provided and run by:
Bradford Community Dermatology Services Limited

All Inspections

10, 18 October 2013

During a routine inspection

We found the provider had effective processes in place for informing people about their intended treatment and for assessing any potential risks someone may present with. We also found the computer system used for recording information provided a practical way of safely and accurately recording information such as discussions held with people and planned treatment.

We spoke with three people, who had used the service, the week following the inspection visit, and one person stated how the process was "Smooth" and it was "Brilliant". Another person said they were "Happy with the service" and staff were polite. The third person we spoke with was also happy with the service and said things were "Okay".

We also found there were reasonable safeguarding processes in place for detecting and alerting people about any concerns of abuse and a chaperone service was available to those people who preferred not to have a one-to-one consultation/treatment session.

We also found there was an adequate complaints process in place and we saw evidence that complaints were appropriately logged and handled effectively.