Archived: Abacus Homecare (Bromley) Ltd

2 Warren Road, Orpington, Kent, BR6 6HY (01689) 853040

Provided and run by:
Abacus Homecare (Bromley) Limited

All Inspections

29 May 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke to four relatives of people using the service and they were very complimentary about the service provided to their relations. One relative told us that the service was excellent and that staff were caring and professional. Another relative said that the delivery of care was reliable and that continuity of care was maintained.

We found people were treated with respect and were involved in decisions about their care and a care plan was in place to meet their needs. Safeguards were in place to protect people using the service from the abuse, and staff and relatives told us they would contact the agency if they had any concerns.

The provider had a robust recruitment process in place to ensure people who use the service were not placed at risk of being cared for by inappropriate staff. Staff told us they felt well supported by their manager, however effective processes related to training, supervision and appraisal were not in place to meet the professional development of staff. A formal framework for quality assurance systems was not in place to review care plans and to monitor the service delivery of care provided, and records were not fit for purpose. The provider had no procedures in place for dealing with foreseeable emergencies that could disrupt the provision of care and support to people using the service.