• Ambulance service

Archived: Ambuline Birmingham

Select House, Popes Lane, Oldbury, West Midlands, B69 4PA (0121) 544 9997

Provided and run by:
Ambuline Limited

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile
Important: This service is now registered at a different address - see new profile

All Inspections

4 August 2014

During an inspection in response to concerns

This was a responsive inspection following information we had received. We spoke with eight members of staff and reviewed documents. We were unable to speak with people who used the service.

Infection control systems and processes required improvement to reduce the risk of spread of healthcare associated infection.

We found that the support and supervision that staff received required improvement to ensure they were able to deliver safe and appropriate care and treatment.

Quality assurance processes required improvement to ensure staff at all levels learned from incidents and complaints to improve practice. Staff had patient safety concerns regarding inappropriate triage of ambulances which is the allocation of appropriate ambulances dependent on patient need. Systems required improvement to the booking system.

6 February 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

During our inspection of this service in October 2013 we found non- compliance. Robust recruitment processes were not in place, which did not protect people from the risks associated with the employment of unsuitable staff.

We carried out this inspection to find out if improvements had been made. We saw that recruitment procedures had been reviewed and that action had been taken to ensure that only staff that was suitable for the role would be employed.

9 October 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited the main office of Ambuline Birmingham where the call centre was based and records were stored and we also visited the premises where the transport is kept and cleaning and maintenance of vehicles takes place. We also went out in an ambulance with a crew and met one person who used the service. We spoke with thirteen staff in different roles, the manager and provider. After the inspection we carried out telephone interviews with four people who used the service.

All the people we spoke with told us that they were pleased with the service that they had received from Ambuline. One person told us, 'The service is really good, staff are friendly and helpful. I really have no complaints'.

We looked at six vehicles and found that they were clean, maintained and ready to use. We checked some records and found that regular cleaning, quality and safety checks were in place which ensured the safety of the people who used the service.

All the staff we spoke with were confident in their role and spoke respectfully and compassionately about the people that used the service. Some training updates were due so staff maintained the skills and knowledge needed to keep people who used the service safe.

Staff recruitment systems were not always robust which could lead to unsuitable staff being employed.

Monitoring systems were in place although these had not always been timely in identifying some shortfalls.

17 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We visited the main office of Ambuline Birmingham, where the call centre was based and we also visited the ambulance yard where the transport is kept and cleaning and maintenance of vehicles takes place. We also went out in an ambulance and met two people who had used the service. We spoke with nine staff in different roles, the manager and provider. After the inspection we carried out telephone interviews with seven people who used the service.

One person told us, 'I have been using Ambuline for two years, they have never let me down. The staff are fantastic, they are kind, lovely people' and another person said 'The service I get is really great. The staff are very considerate, they go out of their way to help you. They don't just drop me at the hospital they take me to the department I need to go to, they are really marvellous'.

We saw that regular checks were completed on the ambulances to make sure they were safe and clean for people to use.

Staff had the training they needed to do their job. Staff knew what to do if they had concerns about a persons well being or safety.

Systems were in place to ensure the service is well managed.