Archived: Skelton Court Residential Care Home

41 Ryder Court, Kirby Frith, Leicestershire, LE2 6UJ (0116) 232 1834

Provided and run by:
Sanctuary Care Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

All Inspections

17 June 2013

During a routine inspection

The provider is in the process of closing Skelton Court. When we visited ten people remained at the home that had plans to move onto other services within the next two weeks. When we visited six of the ten people were not at home. Five people accompanied by staff were visiting a bird sanctuary whilst one person accompanied by a member of staff was spending the day in Birmingham. We spoke with two people who were at home on the day of our visit. People told us they were happy living at the home. One person said 'I want to stay here; I don't want it to close.' A second person told us: 'I don't usually sit in the lounge I prefer to spend time in my bedroom. I like to listen to the radio and go outside for a smoke.'

We looked at the care plans and records of two people. Care plans had been regularly reviewed and were supported by risk assessments. People's daily records showed they were supported by a range of health and social care professionals.

Staff we spoke with told us they continued to be supported by the management team. Records showed staff meetings had taken place and were used to discuss a range of topics which included the closure of the service and the support staff would need to provide to people using the service during their move to other services.

The registered manager continued to monitor the effectiveness of the service to ensure people continued to receive the care and support they needed.