• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: The River Dental and Cosmetic Clinic

1 Clarendon Terrace, High Street, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 6EY

Provided and run by:
Mr Richard Budworth

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

24 July 2013

During a routine inspection

The provider works as a dental surgeon at the practice and is supported by three part time clinicians, an associate dentist, a dental therapist and an implant and oral surgery dentist. The clinicians are assisted by two full time dental nurses, one of who is also the practice manager, and a receptionist.

During our visit we spoke with four people who were all very complimentary of the care and treatment they received. They all felt very well informed about their treatment plan, the risks and benefits of any treatment and the costs involved. One person told us: "I was totally aware of the costs before embarking on treatment. They e-mailed me a quote that day."

We looked at the results of the latest patient survey which had been carried out in February 2013. Comments from the survey included: "I thought [the provider] was very re assuring and explained everything through each stage. A very clean and welcoming practice." and "Friendly and professional team."

We looked at the patient records for eight people, our sample included records made by each of the clinicians. All the records we saw contained details of the assessments that had been made and we saw evidence that people's treatment plans had been discussed with them.

The practice had a decontamination room for the cleaning and sterilisation of instruments and equipment. Plans were in place for the improvement of this facility.