Archived: Mears Care - South Kirby

Unit 28 Lidgate Crescent, Langthwaite Grange Industrial Estate, South Kirby, WF9 3NR

Provided and run by:
Cera Care Operations Limited

All Inspections

6 June 2012

During a routine inspection

The satisfaction surveys show that people are generally happy with the services provided. A telephone conversation with one relative found that they are very happy with the care and support provided. They said they have had the same carers coming to the house for the past five years and have never had any problems.

The service users satisfaction surveys show people are happy with the support provided. One relative says that the carers are always polite and courteous and if they have any problems they tell them and it is sorted right away.

The 2012 service user satisfaction surveys show people using the service are happy with the care and support provided. One relative says the carers are very good and the 'girls are wonderful'.

The results of the 2012 satisfaction surveys show people using the service are generally happy with the quality of the care and support provided. One relative says they are very happy with the quality of the staff provided and have never had any problems.

The satisfaction surveys in peoples records show they are happy with the carers and the support they provide.

The information collected from the satisfaction surveys show people are generally very happy with the service and are happy to be part of the quality assurance process. One relative said they are very pleased with the service that they have been receiving for some years now.