• Prison healthcare

Archived: HMP Whitemoor

Whitemoor, Longhill Road, March, Cambridgeshire, PE15 0PR

Provided and run by:
Medacs Healthcare PLC

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

All Inspections

20, 21 January 2014

During a themed inspection looking at Offender Healthcare

HMP Whitemoor is a high security prison for men. This inspection was carried out in partnership with Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP). The general practitioner (GP) primary medical service was being provided by one long term GP and a number of locum GPs. However, the provider had plans in place to improve service continuity by allocating a second GP consistently to the location. The GP service was available from 9am to 5pm on weekdays. At other times, medical services were provided to people in accordance with local community arrangements.

People we spoke with expressed mixed views about the GP service. However, we found that the care and treatment they received was timely and equivalent to that provided in the local community. Their needs were assessed and reviewed appropriately and their care and treatment reflected relevant research and guidance.

The healthcare service was delivered in an integrated way by several teams. We found that partnership working was strong and effective. Where people's care was shared by different providers, both internal and external to the prison, there were arrangements in place to ensure their needs were met.

People's complaints were handled and responded to correctly. Their healthcare records were managed safely and were accurate and fit for purpose. However, we did identify some risks relating to prescribing records that were being addressed by another provider.