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Archived: Carewatch (Luton)

Suite 102 Plaza 668, Hitchin Road, Stopsley, Bedfordshire, LU2 7XH (01582) 817150

Provided and run by:
Eurocrest Trading Limited

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

All Inspections

30 September 2013

During a routine inspection

At our previous inspection of this service in April 2013, we found that information was not always clearly, or sufficiently detailed to protect people who used the service against the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care. Medication administration records had gaps in so it was not clear to establish if people had received their medicines and daily log sheets did not consistently contain a comprehensive record of the action taken by carers on a daily basis. We also found that in respect of complaints, an accurate record had not been maintained of the action taken to resolve issues.

During our inspection on 30 September 2013, we found that improvements had been made to people's records and that staff had improved the accuracy of the records they kept on a daily basis. The provider was monitoring both people's care records and medication records on a monthly basis, to ensure that the improvements continued.

16, 17 April 2013

During an inspection in response to concerns

When we inspected Carewatch (Luton) on 16 and 17 April 2013, we spoke with five people who used the service and reviewed the care records for eight people. We found that people were mostly satisfied with the care and support they received, however we received mixed comments about the continuity of staff and punctuality of peoples' visits. One person said, "I have regular carers seven times a week, they are all trained up to meet my needs. I'm very lucky." Another person said, "They're all very polite but I don't like all the strangers." No one we spoke with said they had experienced missed calls.

We noted from the eight care files we looked at, that people were offered support at a level which encouraged independence and ensured their individual needs were met.

Although records showed people were encouraged to express their views and were involved in planning their care, they were insufficient to ensure people were protected from the risks of unsafe care.

People told us the staff were friendly and courteous in their approach, and were knowledgeable and confident in their roles. Staff records showed that appropriate training and recruitment checks were conducted before staff were actively employed.

The provider welcomed suggestions from people to improve the service they provided, and people said they felt able to approach the staff or manager to discuss anything. They were confident that swift action would be taken to resolve any issues they had.

9 May 2012

During a routine inspection

Peoples' diversity, values and human rights were respected. The people we spoke with told us they had their privacy and dignity respected and were encouraged to be independent. They said they felt consulted about their care and that their choices and preferences in relation to their care were respected. They said they were given useful and relevant information by the service.

Peoples' needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. The people we spoke with said they had received an assessment of their needs when they started using the service and this had been updated to reflect any changes to their health or circumstances. They told us that staff displayed a good understanding of their needs and how to meet them.

People said they felt they were eating and drinking adequately and that they were provided with what they wanted or needed at the appropriate time in relation to food, drink and medication. They said they had all the equipment they needed and staff knew how to use it correctly.

The people we spoke with told us they felt safe being cared for by staff from Carewatch (Luton). They said the staff were respectful and appeared qualified and experienced to carry out their roles. They said they felt the standard of care provided was very good.

People who use the service, their representatives and staff were asked for their views about their care and treatment and they were acted on. The people we spoke with told us that the managers at the service were very approachable. They said they had no concerns but would feel comfortable raising them if they did have. They told us they were able to provide feedback on their care and treatment either directly to care managers visiting their homes, over the telephone, or by completing questionnaires provided by the service.

One person summarised the general feeling of the people we spoke with by saying: 'They're very pleasant and I have no problems with them'. Another person we spoke with said: 'They provide an excellent service. They have quickly responded to my requirements and are very impressive in taking care of my needs'.