Archived: Lifeline Integrated Recovery Service: York

10-12 George Hudson Street, York, YO1 6LP (01904) 637587

Provided and run by:
Lifeline Project

All Inspections

26 September 2012

During a routine inspection

During the visit, we spoke with two people who used the service. Both individuals were very positive about the support they had received. They told us, 'I don't know how I would have coped without Lifeline' 'They have helped me stay on track with my methadone, without them I couldn't have done this.' and 'Everyone here is friendly, approachable and works beyond 9-5. They are dedicated to their job'.

We looked at people's treatment records. We found that records were accurate, up to date and completed. We also saw how the organisation included people in decision making throughout their treatment and support.

We observed the interactions between staff and people using the service and saw that staff treated people with dignity and supported them in a courteous and dignified way.

The service was run from an accessible York city centre building. The reception area and counselling rooms were comfortable and welcoming. All the recovery staff were based here and also the health care support including doctors and a nurse. This means that individuals can be screened and supported with their health needs promptly. This was important as it gave people all the support resources they initially needed in one building. One person said, 'The doctors and nurse are available here which is so much better, before you had to make an appointment and go across town for help'.