• Services in your home
  • Homecare service

Archived: Respite (North West) Stockport

331 Broadstone Mill, Stockport, SK8 7DL (0161) 443 4240

Provided and run by:
Affinity Supporting People (South) Limited

All Inspections

19 February 2014

During a routine inspection

We spoke to two people who used the service and one relative of a person using the service on the telephone. All of the people we spoke to were satisfied with the quality of service and felt safe receiving care. They all said they were treated respectfully by the care workers who understood the need to have their rights, dignity and privacy maintained.

People said their care was personalised and they were always called by their preferred names. Everyone we spoke to said their care workers had taken time to get to know them to understand their needs and preferences and support their independence. One person said, "The team who support me are really good." Other people told us, "The staff are excellent and provide good care.'

People were positive about the skills of the staff who visited them. All of the people described their carer as "good."

People receiving care and support were contacted regularly to ensure the service was providing a safe quality service that met their needs. There was a complaints policy and procedure in place, people told us they would know who to make a complaint to if they had an issue.