• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

Archived: Fountain Medical Centre

Little Fountain Street, Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS27 9EN (0113) 249 4655

Provided and run by:
Fountain Diagnostic Limited

All Inspections

13 February 2014

During a routine inspection

We observed staff treating people with respect, being polite and courteous. We spoke with one person who used the service. They said they were happy with the care provided and were involved with their care and treatment needs. People's privacy, dignity and confidentiality were respected. People's preferences and medical conditions were taken into account in relation to how care and treatment was delivered. One person told us, 'I was told every step of the way what was happening' and 'Everything was professionally explained.'

People had thorough, detailed assessment and treatment plans relating to all aspects of their care needs. We spoke with one person who used the service who told us they were happy with the care and treatment they received. They said, 'I felt comfortable and I was treated in a very good way' and 'They took care of me, it was a very positive experience. I would recommend the place.'

People who used the service were protected against the risk of abuse. All staff had received training in abuse awareness and protecting vulnerable adults. There was information available and accessible to all staff in relation to safeguarding which included relevant contact telephone numbers.

People were treated by staff who were supported to deliver care safely and to an appropriate standard. Staff had a programme of on-going training, supervision and appraisal.

There were quality monitoring programmes in place, which included people giving feedback about their care, support and treatment. This provided an overview of the quality of the service's provided.

13 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We were not able to speak to people who used the service. However, we looked at the, 'Patient Satisfaction Survey' information that the care provider had analysed. We also looked at the complaints and incidents log. We saw that people experienced high satisfaction levels. The majority of people had rated their overall experience of the service as excellent or good. Comments people made included, 'The service I received was excellent' and 'The service was brilliant and I felt very comfortable and at ease.'

The service had an effective system in place to effectively deal with any complaints or concerns people raised.

Staff records showed that staff had the appropriate qualifications and skills needed for their role. A training programme was in place to provide staff with the training and support they needed to maintain their qualifications.

Evidence showed that people were protected from the risk of infection because appropriate guidance had been followed.