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  • Independent doctor

Archived: Independent Family Healthcare

Calderbank Medical Chambers, 87 Palatine Road, West Didsbury, Manchester, Lancashire, M20 3JQ (0161) 434 2910

Provided and run by:
Independent Family Healthcare Limited

All Inspections

5 October 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with people who used the service on the day of our inspection. People told us they were satisfied with the service received and had been treated very well.

People told us that they were impressed with the information sent out by the clinic and the knowledge of the provider. We were told: 'The treatment was very well explained'. And: 'There is good information on web site'.

People said they were asked to give verbal and signed consent to the treatments for their children and the treatments and side effects had been explained well.

People told us that their children had been treated in a child friendly manner when they received their vaccinations. A consultation had taken place with the nurse prior to any vaccinations being given.

Emergency equipment was present on site. We found that staff had received training in the use of this equipment. We found that equipment had been regularly checked and that staff training was up to date.

We found that medicines were in date and stored correctly and people received their vaccines in a safe manner.

The provider had a robust system in place which ensured that staff employed were safe to work with people and their children and were suitably trained to perform their role.

We examined records kept by the service on the day of our inspection and found them to contain relevant information which ensured safe care and treatment. They were well recorded, easy to read and kept in a secure manner

9 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three people who used the service on the day of our visit. People were very complimentary about the service. People said they were asked to give verbal and signed consent to the treatments for their children and the treatments and side effects were explained well. Their comments included: 'We found it welcoming friendly and clean' and 'The box (containing the vaccinations) was available for inspection'.

We noted that each person had been given full information about the service and vaccinations available from the services website and from leaflets provided. A consultation had taken place with the nurse prior to any vaccinations being given.

We noted that emergency equipment was present including oxygen and anaphylaxis safety equipment. Staff had received training in the use of this equipment as well as the safeguarding of children. The training was up to date.

We found that equipment had been regularly checked and all medicines we looked at were in date and stored correctly. This showed us that people were protected from the possible side effects of their immunisation episode.

There was a system in place to assess and monitor the quality of the service that was being provided. Audits had been carried out before and after each clinic. We saw comments from patient satisfaction surveys that told us staff had been informative and helpful. Staff told us that they held a de brief and feedback session after every clinic.