Archived: The Providence Projects - 116

116 Haviland Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH7 6HW

Provided and run by:
The Providence Projects

All Inspections

23 October 2012

During a routine inspection

Our inspection took place over two days.

We inspected seven properties used to accommodate people taking part in treatment programmes.

We spoke with ten people who were at various stages of their treatment programmes. Everyone spoke highly of the staff and described them as 'brilliant', 'amazing', 'professional' and 'fantastic'.

We observed the graduation of a person who had completed a 12 week treatment programme. We also observed a weekly community meeting attended by most of the 37 people participating in programmes.

People told us they were treated with respect.

We saw that people were fully involved in their treatment programme and their progress was regularly reviewed.

Procedures were in place to protect people from harm and being exploited.

The accommodation people occupied was safe, furnished and located close to local amenities. Everyone we spoke with was satisfied with their accommodation. One person said, 'It is a darn sight nicer than where I was before.'

Staff working for Providence Projects had received training appropriate for their respective roles, whether as a counsellor, housing support worker or physical therapist. They also received regular supervison and support.

There were systems and procedures in place to enable people to influence the service they received and check that the quality of it was being maintained and where necessary improved.