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Archived: Oak Lodge

1 & 3 Oak Lodge, Wyndham Park, East Runton, Norfolk, NR27 9NJ (01692) 535654

Provided and run by:
Mrs Jennifer Grego

All Inspections

24 October 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with one person using this service and asked them if they had been given opportunities to agree to how their care and support was delivered and they confirmed that they had. They told us that 'I am aware of what my support plan says' and 'The staff often discuss any changes with me.'

The person we spoke with told us that they felt they had benefitted greatly from receiving care and support at Oak Lodge. They told us that their confidence had grown and they had begun to feel much better about their future and the opportunities that they may be presented with. They stated that they were 'very happy' and felt like a 'new person.'

Appropriate arrangements were in place in relation to obtaining people's medication.

Appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work and there was an appropriate recruitment process in place.

People were given support by the provider to make a comment or complaint.

15 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We observed staff during our inspection and saw that staff spoke to people in a kind and respectful manner. We saw that staff gave people time to respond to questions and communicated in ways which the people using this service understood.

We spoke to one person using this service who told us that they were 'very happy' at Oak Lodge. They told us that all the staff that supported them were 'nice' and that should they have any concerns they knew who to raise these with. We asked the person if they had any suggestions for improvement and they could think of none.

People who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent it from happening.

Staff were provided with appropriate training to ensure that they could meet the needs of the people they were caring for. They were also supported through a regular system of supervision.

The provider had an effective quality monitoring system in place which allowed them to identify areas for improvement and take appropriate action.