• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: No 9 Fifth Row

No 9 Fifth Row, Linton, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 5SL (01670) 862893

Provided and run by:
Mr J & Mrs D Cole

All Inspections

6, 11 November 2013

During a routine inspection

The person living at the home looked well cared for, was wearing clean, appropriate clothes and was freshly shaved. We saw that the person was in the kitchen participating in bread making. They looked happy, was smiling and engaged with the process. We saw an assessment of the person's needs had been undertaken, along with risk assessments. We saw care plans were reviewed every 12 months.

There was a medication administration record sheet which was fully completed and with no gaps in signatures. We saw from the person's care record that medication was regularly reviewed by their general practitioner or the consultant in charge of their care.

The building was well decorated, warm and provided appropriate accommodation to meet the needs of the individual. The person using the service gave us permission to look at their room. We saw that it was personalised with pictures, photographs and personal items.

The provider showed us a comprehensive training matrix indicating that staff had undertaken a range of training. Staff stated that they had regular supervision and appraisals. We saw copies of notes from people's supervision and appraisals and noted that a range of topics and areas were discussed.

Each service user had access to an easy read version of the complaints policy. Staff also told us that if a person expressed that they wanted to complain they would help them contact their care manager to discuss the situation. There had been no complaints logged this year.

19 November 2012

During a routine inspection

People using the service had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us about their experiences.

We saw people were happy and relaxed with staff. We observed on several occasions people were asked their opinion and the provider acted in accordance with their wishes. We saw that there were regular reviews of care plans and that these routinely involved people's care managers and next of kin. This indicated that although people were not able to give their direct consent, someone was acting on their behalf.

We noted people had comprehensive assessments of needs. We found risk assessments had been undertaken and detailed care plans highlighted their needs. We saw care plans were reviewed yearly and were updated if people's needs had changed.

We saw there was a daily record of what people had to eat and they were provided with a choice of suitable and nutritious food and drink.

Effective systems were in place to reduce the risk of infection. We noted that the home was clean and well kept, floors and furniture were free from dirt and kitchen work surfaces and sink areas were clean. There was a valid Food Hygiene certificate displayed.

There was an effective recruitment process in place and application and interview procedures had been followed to ensure appropriate staff were employed.

We saw that people's personal records were accurate, fit for purpose and kept securely.

8 December 2011

During a routine inspection

Due to their social care needs we did not speak with the person using the service. As we were unable to communicate with them we checked to make sure that they had contact with someone independent of the service.