Archived: 7 Horse Leaze

7 Horse Leaze, London, E6 6WJ (020) 7473 1945

Provided and run by:
Community Options

All Inspections

30 November 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

We found people were treated with dignity and respect. People told us they were called by their preferred name by staff and they maintained their privacy during the delivery of care.

We found that people who used the service were given care and treatment that met their personal needs. We spoke with one member of staff and the interim manager who were present in the home during our inspection. They confirmed that staff had regular training which allowed them to fulfil their roles and responsibilities. We verified this when we reviewed staff files and documentary evidence held by 7 Horse Leaze.

People we spoke with told us they felt "safe" at 7 Horse Leaze. Staff had safeguarding adult's training and there was a safeguarding policy in place. People's complaints were recorded and investigated in a timely manner by staff and management.

We found documentary evidence the home cooperated well with other services in the delivery of care to people who used the service. There was evidence people were able to see their independent advocates, GPs and psychiatrists and other health professionals involved in their care and treatment.

We found the views and opinions of people who used the service were regularly sought about the quality of the service and the care they received.

24 November 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us that they like living at 7 Horse Leaze. The staff were described as being supportive and helpful. One person felt that the lay-out of the building was useful for managing mobility problems. We noted the written comments of a relative of a person that lived at the service until quite recently, stating that the person had a 'high regard for you all' and 'thank-you so much for all the care and support'.