• Prison healthcare

Archived: HMP Wakefield

5 Love Lane, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 9AG

Provided and run by:
Spectrum Community Health C.I.C.

Important: This service was previously managed by a different provider - see old profile

All Inspections

19 March 2015

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We had previously carried out an inspection at HMP Wakefield in July 2014. During this inspection we identified that due to the complex nature of the healthcare provider arrangements in place at the prison, partnership working with both the other providers and the prison itself were not sufficiently developed and there were gaps in joint working.

We asked the provider to submit an action plan to us and we revisited in March 2015 to see if the provider had made the necessary improvements.

We found that there were now clear arrangements in place for governance of the services being delivered and all providers were clear on their accountability and responsibilities on site. There had been development of joint working practices and these meant that the approach to services being provided to patients was more joined up.

7, 8 July 2014

During a themed inspection looking at Offender Healthcare

Spectrum Healthcare were providing primary medical services, integrated drug treatment services (IDTS), pharmacy and non-clinical substance misuse -services at HMP Wakefield. This formed part of the wider healthcare services available at HMP Wakefield provided by multiple providers.

Due to the complex nature of the provider arrangements in place at the prison, partnership working with both the other providers and the prison itself were necessary in order to ensure a joined up service was provided. This was not always at the level it needed to be and there were gaps in joint working.

Appointment times and access to specialist services were good. There was a good staff skill mix within the healthcare team and staff told us that they felt well supported and able to access training and supervision when required.

Medication administration and storage, auditing and management were all in place and being implemented effectively. There were some issues with confidentiality and organisation of queues for medication.

The environment was as well maintained by staff as was possible but required some attention to ensure that healthcare provision was delivered in a way that met infection prevention and control guidelines.

There was some auditing and monitoring in place and mechanisms for gathering feedback from patients was reasonably well established. There were some issues with the various complaints systems being used and current levels of confidentiality which required some attention.

15 May 2012

During a routine inspection

The inspection was held in conjunction with Her Majesty's Inspector of Prisons (HMIP) during their unannounced inspection. As part of this, prisoner focus groups were held. When asked about healthcare, many people were complimentary about access to care although some people raised concerns about not receiving correct medication on time, seeing a GP in the three day timeslot and long waits for dentistry. Some people felt the waiting areas for clinics were not comfortable and there was limited wheelchair access. Spectrum Community Health CIC were not responsible for all the healthcare provision spoken about in the focus groups and general concerns were noted by HMIP for their report.

We spoke with a person in the in patient unit who was satisfied with the care he received. He pointed out that the constant nursing care he required through his medical condition was of a high quality and the input from Spectrum Community Health CIC with regard to pharmacy and primary care considerations was seamless with the other healthcare services he accessed and he stated that he could not think of any issues with the quality of healthcare provision he would need to raise.