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  • Homecare service

Archived: Homecare UK

17-19 Market Place, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1EB (01625) 502171

Provided and run by:
Homecare Agency Ltd

All Inspections

30 October 2013

During a routine inspection

During our announced inspection on 30 October 2013 we spoke to the registered manager, two members of staff and two of the fifteen people who used the service.

People told us they had freedom to make their own choices, one person we spoke to told us; 'I very much make my own decisions, they are always willing to change things if I ask them.'

People using the service told us that they were very happy with the care provided, one told us; 'I think they are wonderful, they have been from day one."

One member of staff told us; 'I have had plenty of training, we have just completed dementia and mental capacity training.'

During our inspection, we requested folders and documentation for examination. These were all produced quickly and contained the information that we had anticipated. This meant that the provider was keeping and storing records effectively.

27 March 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

The announced inspection visit on 27 March 2013 was carried out to check if improvements had been made following the previous review of compliance, where we found that staff did not have an appropriate understanding of the protection of vulnerable adults. During the course of this inspection, we found that there had been improvements made in this area. We spoke to the registered manager and two members of staff, it was clear that effective formal training had been provided to all staff and that their understanding of both safeguarding and whistle blowing had improved.

18 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three people provided with care and support by the service and one of their relatives. All said that they were happy with the service as staff were kind and caring, they were looked after well and treated with dignity and respect. One person said; 'I have never been so spoiled, if I want them to do meals, they do it. They always ask if there is anything else I want doing." Another person said; 'They will make time for me and what I need, they are great."

The staff we spoke with said they enjoyed working for the service, it was managed well and they were supported by the managers. They told us they had received induction and training for their role and they 'shadowed' senior staff before they started looking after people.

We found that staff had undergone an effective recruitment process and appropriate checks had been undertaken before staff had begun delivering care.

The care records we looked at were based on the assessment of the needs of the people receiving the service. We found these to be comprehensive and well ordered. Daily records were also detailed, complete and showed care was being delivered in line with the individual's care plan.

We looked at the procedures for safeguarding vulnerable people and found there was a lack of appropriate vulnerable adults staff training. As a consequence their understanding of the need to assess and report possible abuse was not of an appropriate level.