• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: El-Shaddai

17 Octavia Close, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 4BY (020) 8241 2618

Provided and run by:
Ms Brenda Willis

All Inspections

11 December 2013

During a routine inspection

As part of this inspection we looked to see if improvements had been made since our last inspection of 25 January 2013.

People we spoke said they were happy living at the home. A person who spoke with us said they went shopping, they had been away on holidays and they helped with cooking. Another person said they went to the caf' for a coffee.

At this inspection we found the manager had taken action in respect of the home's medicines administration practices.

Checks had now been undertaken in respect of the equipment used at the home.

We found the manager had not undertaken all of the required checks before staff began work.

Since our last inspection the provider had recruited some additional staff but a duty rota had not been implemented, therefore the manager was unable to demonstrate the staffing arrangements provided at the home.

We found that not all of the staff training records were available.

We found the manager had distributed questionnaires to seek the views of people and their relatives. However, we found that an environmental health and safety risk assessment had not been completed in order to identify any potential risks to people.

We found that the home had not always informed the Care Quality Commission of all incidents they were required to notify us about.

We found that some of the home's records were incomplete or were not available.

25 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke to two of the people who use the service briefly on their return from their day centre, however communication was limited. It was not possible to determine their personal views about the service. They both went to their rooms during the inspection.

We found that support planning was not adequately undertaken and records were disordered and out of date.

We found that staffing arrangements were not adequate and there was no rota, inadequate training records and inadequate arrangements to cover for staff sickness.

We also found no evidence of testing and monitoring of equipment in use in the service and there was no fire alarm system other than domestic smoke detectors.

We found medication stored in unlocked cupboards in both the kitchen and sitting room and no records regarding the administration of medication.