Archived: Knowles House

51 Longstone Avenue, Harlesden, London, NW10 3UN (020) 8961 9563

Provided and run by:
London Borough of Brent

All Inspections

6 June 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us they liked living in the home, they chose their meals, the food was good, they had their health needs met, and staff listened to them. They also told us they had the opportunity to participate in a range of activities.

People were positive about the care and support they received at the home. People spoke of the staff being 'good', 'friendly',' nice', and approachable. They told us they felt safe living in Knowles House. People knew who to talk to if they had any worries or concerns, and told us they felt that staff would respond to these in an appropriate manner.

People spoke about being able to make choices about their lives.

People confirmed that they attended healthcare appointments and saw a doctor when they needed to, and had contact with a variety of other health care and social care professionals.

People were positive about the environment of the home and were happy with their bedrooms. Some people told us they had personalised their rooms.

Comments from people included; 'I am happy with my room', 'my room is always clean', 'I choose what to do', the staff 'are nice', 'helpful' and 'kind', staff 'ask me want I want', 'I enjoy the meals', 'I like the food', breakfast was 'good', and 'I can choose what to eat', 'we can have snacks', 'I have my hair done every week', 'I have seen a doctor', 'I have my toenails cut', and I am 'happy living here', 'I have lived here for a few years', and 'I am very happy with the home'.

Comments from staff included 'I like working at Knowles House', 'there is good team work', 'I like the residents', 'It's a good place to work', and 'management staff are very approachable'.