• Dentist
  • Dentist

Lawrence & Pinkerton

25 St Marys Street, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 0ET (01491) 202025

Provided and run by:
Lawrence & Pinkerton

All Inspections

11 June 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with five patients and three members of staff. Patients told us they were very satisfied with the service. Comments included: 'I'd recommend it to anyone' and 'I find it a good experience whenever I come'. Patients said they were involved in making decisions about their treatments and staff described things in the way that they understood. We looked at three patient records which were accurate and up to date.

We saw records to show that staff had received relevant training and development. Staff we spoke with felt well supported by the service. One dental nurse said 'we're all very proud. I like coming to work and I want it to be the best place it can be.'

Patients we spoke with told us the practice was always clean and tidy; "it's always incredibly clean and nice and tidy". The practice operated processes, and followed procedures, that minimised the risk and spread of infection because current guidelines were followed.

Patients' views had been sought via a satisfaction survey. The majority of responses were very positive. We saw that comments had been acted upon and changes made. We saw evidence that the practice conducted a range of audits to monitor the quality of the service they provided. Results of audits were discussed with staff at team meetings.