• Dentist
  • Dentist

The Family Dental Practice

Rowan House, 163 High Street, Street, Somerset, BA16 0ND (01458) 445115

Provided and run by:
Mr. Antony Shepherd

All Inspections

5 March 2014

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we spoke with two people attending the practice for appointments. One person said of the dentist 'I feel safe and trust him.' Another person described the practice as 'very professional.'

People said and we saw records which demonstrated people were well informed of the options available to them. People were provided with a treatment plan and an estimate of the costs. One person said the practice were 'clear and upfront' about the costs and options available to them. People had the opportunity to discuss their treatment in private away from communal areas, where they might be overheard.

We observed people were welcomed warmly by all of the staff. We heard people being spoken to in a friendly and courteous manner. People spoke positively about their experiences of the reception staff and clinical staff. One person told us 'the reception staff are brilliant. There is no issue with making an appointment.'

We saw people were asked about their medical history at each visit. This ensured the dentist was aware of any changes they needed to know about. We observed the practice manager promoted confidentiality by inviting one person to go into the office to discuss their medical changes.

People told us they were very happy with the standard of cleanliness at the practice. We saw regular infection control audits were completed as recommended in the Department of Health's guidance HTM01-05.

We saw systems were in place to respond to any concerns or complaints raised.