• Dentist
  • Dentist

Mr Julian Slimm

1st Floor, 118 St Leonards Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 3DG (01753) 851113

Provided and run by:
Mr. Julian Slimm

All Inspections

27 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three people who were using the service at the time of our visit. Everyone we spoke with was satisfied with the service provided and the friendliness and approachability of staff. People told us staff explained the risks and benefits of various treatments and provided details of the expected outcome. One person commented 'The practice is very small and friendly. I wouldn't want to go anywhere else.' Another person told us 'I would definitely recommend the practice to others. You get such personalised treatment.'

The records showed us consent was sought from people appropriately before any treatment began. People's medical and dental health needs were accurately documented and updated at each visit. One person said 'I had to complete a medical questionnaire before I received treatment. They always ask me how I am.'

We saw the practice was clean and hygienic and the staff followed appropriate infection control policies and procedures when carrying out treatment of patients.

Staff told us they felt well supported and were offered appropriate training at regular intervals. We saw staff were appraised annually and attended regular practice meetings that informed them of new policies, procedures and ways of working.