• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: The Dental Surgery

Beach Hall, St Mawes, Truro, Cornwall, TR2 5UJ (01326) 270392

Provided and run by:
Mr Roger James Lister Metcalfe

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile
Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

19 March 2012

During a routine inspection

During our visit we spoke with six people who were visiting for treatment or examination. They were all warmly positive about their treatment at the practice.

One person said, 'He is the best dentist I have ever had and you can tell by my age, I've had a few. He is so compassionate and very particular with his work.' Another said, 'I have been coming here ever since I was a child. I am really happy.'

People appreciated the social aspects of visiting the dentist. One person said, 'Since my wife died I have been coming here on my own. He is like a friend, we talk about the village and what is going on in my life. He always takes his time and I feel very safe.'

One nervous person said, 'I am very anxious. He (the dentist) knows, although I have never told him.'

People were happy about the time they had to wait. 'I sometimes have to wait but no more than 10 minutes. It's fine, I'm happy.'

Other positive comments included, 'He is excellent and I would not want to see any one else,' and 'I feel like I am in good hands. He gives you explanations about what happens so you know what is going on and (laughing) how much it will cost.'

People also said the nurses were 'nice.' People told us they were pleased to be sent reminders for their appointments.

The dental surgery was in the middle of the village close to car parks. There was a concrete ramp to the door, and a wooden ramp was available on request to provide level access over the threshold. There was a toilet for the use of visitors to the surgery, which had a grab rail.