• Dentist
  • Dentist

Honiton Dental Centre

38 New Street, Honiton, Devon, EX14 1BU (01404) 42023

Provided and run by:
Joanne Russell Limited

All Inspections

During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made

This follow up inspection checked improvements had been made to staff selection and recruitment processes. Our previous inspection visit found people using the practice were at risk because the provider had underdeveloped staff selection and recruitment processes in place.

We told the provider they must make improvements. They wrote to us detailing how these improvements would be made to ensure people were supported and treated by staff with relevant skills and suitable personal attributes.

We checked all the actions in the provider's plan to ensure compliance with staff recruitment had been completed. We were satisfied the provider had taken the necessary actions to ensure staff recruitment procedures and processes were robust for future staff appointments at the practice.

22 July 2013

During a routine inspection

This was Honiton Dental Centre's first inspection since registering with the Care Quality Commission. During our inspection, we checked and were assured that people using the dental practice had access to examinations in private. We asked people how they were involved in their treatment planning and whether they were invited to give feedback about their experiences. We met and spoke with staff and checked records. We found patient records were well completed. However, staff recruitment records were insufficiently completed with not all relevant checks carried out on staff. We toured the premises and were satisfied people received safe and effective treatment in a clean environment.

Following the visit we contacted, with their permission, some people who had attended the practice the week of our visit. We sent an email questionnaire to people and received six responses. We also spoke to one other person by telephone. People expressed high levels of satisfaction with the practice. Comments included;

'I am pleased to say that my dentist, as well as the dental surgery, is the best I have come across.'

'I am a nervous patient'and the dentist always puts me at ease.'

'All the staff are friendly and helpful.'