• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Mere Dental Practice

Duchy Manor, Springfield Road, Mere, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 6EW (01747) 860365

Provided and run by:
Mr. Stephen Sherrard

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

17 January 2013

During a routine inspection

The dentist we spoke with during our visit was also the provider and will be referred to as both throughout our report.

The four people we spoke with during our visit were complimentary about the practice and service they received. One person said 'the service couldn't be improved.'

People confirmed they had been given or offered a copy of their treatment plan. People said they knew how much their treatment would cost and had been fully informed of the options available to them. One person said of the dentist 'he is very knowledgeable and understands my health issues.'

Part of the 2012 dental insurer's audit included gaining the views of people. People were asked what they liked best about the practice. Comments included: 'friendly atmosphere' ' so far they have always sorted out any problems with my teeth' 'easy parking, clean waiting area, the dentist gives an air of friendly, high confidence, not pushed for unnecessary treatment." One person said "I have confidence in my dentist to give an expert and knowledgeable service.'

On the day of our visit we met one person who was attending the practice for an emergency appointment. They said they had rung the practice that morning and been given an appointment straight away.

The practice was fully accessible to people with mobility issues. There was disabled parking and a ramp to access the practice.