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Archived: Hathaway Road Short Break Respite Service

23 Hathaway Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 5LB (01375) 383556

Provided and run by:
Thurrock Borough Council

All Inspections

12 September 2013

During a routine inspection

The manager told us that they provided a respite service for people in the Thurrock area with a learning disability. The people who resided in Hathaway road stayed for varying lengths of time from overnight to two week periods. The respite time allocated to each person was determined by their individual social care package. The manager stated that the majority of people who stayed in Hathaway road had been here on a number of occasions. They found that this continuity of placement helped people to settle in the home and for staff to provide support tailored to each person's individual needs.

We spoke to the families of two people who had used this service. They said 'This home is excellent', 'It has made a big difference to our lives and the staff are kind and helpful'. Two people who were staying in the home that we met said the best things were 'The food', 'Going out' and 'The staff'.

We reviewed the records of the three people who were staying in this home. The records were individualised with detailed assessments that included health plans and risk assessments. We saw that staff offered choices and were happy to provide support and encouragement if required.

31 January 2013

During a routine inspection

The manager confirmed to us that people who use the service are referred to as 'guests'. For the purpose of this report we will refer to people who use the service as guests.

We found evidence that the service was run in the best interests of the people who use it and that it provided a flexible reliable service. Significant time and effort is spent planning prospective guest's admission to the service.

Records viewed showed that support plans covered all aspects of a person's individual circumstances. We spoke with two guests who were receiving a service and both suggested that they liked staying at Hathaway Road Short Break Service and liked staff who provided day-to-day-support. It was evident from our observations that staff are fully committed in supporting people to lead purposeful and fulfilling lives as independently as possible. Staff spoken with told us that staff morale was good and there was good teamwork.

10 May 2011

During a routine inspection

People's ability to provide verbal responses and views varied in line with their different abilities. People with whom we spoke told us that they liked being at Hathaway Road Short Break Respite Service. They told us they liked their room there, and they liked the food and going out.

We spent time sitting with staff and people using the service observing communications, both verbal and non verbal and interactions. People using the service approached staff confidently and were relaxed and at ease.