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  • Dentist

Archived: Bridge Dental Practice

78 High Street, Bridge, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 5LA (01227) 831110

Provided and run by:
Dr. George Hamill

All Inspections

22 January 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

During the last review of compliance on the 1st November 2012 the Commission had found the service to be non compliant with regard to Outcome 8 Infection control.

We undertook a further inspection on 22nd January 2013 which is the subject of this report. We did not speak with people using the service as no appointments were booked at the time of our visit. As part of the assessment of this service the provider submitted a range of evidence which evidenced how it was meeting this outcome. We found that a range of processes were in place with no identified gaps in assurance when this outcome was inspected. We therefore found this location to be compliant with Outcome 8 Infection control and intend to take no further action at this time.

During the inspection we found the surgeries to be clean and well organised. Gloves and aprons were available along with hand washing facilities. All surfaces and areas were found to be clean with assessments, cleaning schedules and audits in place.

1 November 2012

During a routine inspection

Patients said that they were happy with the service provided. They thought that they had been given enough information about their treatment options and about the contributions and/or fees they would have to pay. They considered that their treatment had met their dental needs and were satisfied with the quality of care provided.

All of the three patients with whom we spoke gave us positive feedback about the practice. All those spoken said that the quality of care was very high and that staff had the skills and experience to meet their needs and provide a good service. We ask a range of 20 questions about the quality of the service provided and all comments made were very positive with no concerns raised.

One patient said when asked if staff were respectful and professional he said. 'No cause for concern my wife and I have been very happy'. Another said, 'Staff very polite and pleasant'.