• Dentist
  • Dentist

RP Advanced Dental Centre

156a Haverstock Hill, Belsize Park, London, NW3 2AT (020) 7722 4405

Provided and run by:
Dentasmile Limited

All Inspections

30 August 2013

During a routine inspection

Two patients we spoke with were satisfied with their treatment. They told us staff 'listened' to them and they could 'ask' questions if they were unclear about their treatment. They told us the costs of treatment 'were explained[to them]' and staff were 'competent'. Patients were confident about the quality of their treatment and they would 'recommend' the dental practice to others.

We noted that all areas of the dental practice were clean and hygienic. Staff had training and systems were in place to ensure the risks of cross-infection were minimal.

The dental practice had various policies and procedures in place to ensure that patients' concerns and complaints were investigated and people were protected from abuse. We noted that staff had read the policies and were knowledgeable about spotting signs of abuse and reporting incidents appropriately.

Arrangements were in place for assessing patients dental needs and providing them treatment options.