Archived: Larkham House Dental Practice

Larkham House, 49 Larkham Lane,Plympton, Plymouth, Devon, PL7 4PH (01752) 343140

Provided and run by:
Dr. Graham Adlard

All Inspections

During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made

We reviewed the practice's performance with respect to requirements relating to workers. We found that effective arrangements were in place to ensure that people would be cared for by staff who were suitably qualified, skilled and experienced, and were suitable to work with vulnerable people.

29 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four patients who attended the practice. Patients told us they were very happy with the treatment and service they received. One patient said "They are very good, I have been coming here for years and now bring my children.'

Patients told us that the dentists were very thorough, explaining possible complications and options. People said the dentists and dental nurses were also reassuring, providing comfort to anxious patients.

Patients told us that all consultations were performed in the privacy of the dental surgery, where confidentiality was maintained.

The surgery was well maintained, clean and hygienic. Patients told us they were satisfied with the level of cleanliness at the dental practice. The practice, surgeries and toilet were accessible for patients with significant mobility disabilities.

Patients knew how to complain and were given opportunities to express their opinion of the service they received.

Staff were well qualified and systems were in place to ensure staff kept their knowledge up to date. This included safeguarding and child protection training. However the recruitment process did not show that appropriate checks had been performed to show that staff were suitable to work with vulnerable people.

Records were well maintained and accurate. There were also systems in place to identify, assess and manage health and safety risks of patients who use the service.