• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: The Beeches Dental Practice

56 York Road, Acomb, York, North Yorkshire, YO24 4LZ (01904) 798315

Provided and run by:
Mr. Simon Wilsdon

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile
Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

28 February 2013

During a routine inspection

To help us understand the experiences of people using the service, we spoke with people who had attended the surgery at the time of our inspection.

We spoke with people in private at the practice address. Everyone we spoke with said that they were treated with respect and kindness. They said they gave agreement for their treatment and they had their treatment options fully explained to them. People told us they were supported to make decisions and choices regarding their care and treatment. One person said 'Everything is explained in detail everyone is so kind.' Another said 'He (the Dentist) is very good and gives me options.'

People told us they did not have to wait too long for appointments and that they are always welcomed in a friendly manner. One person said 'If ever you are having a problem they try their best to accommodate you immediately.' Another told us 'When I have had toothache, I am seen on the day I ring, they are very good here.'

People commented that they thought the surgery and practice building were clean. One person said 'It always smells clean.'

Staff told us that they were supported by the dentists and other team members and that they were positively encouraged to complete their Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

People told us that they had not had any need to complain; but if necessary they would speak either to the dentist or the practice manager.