• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Hillton Dentistry Faversham

Nortide House, Stone Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8PH (01795) 591899

Provided and run by:
Mr Maheshkumar Patel

All Inspections

14 March 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who visited the surgery on the day of our visit. We also spoke with members of staff and the registered provider.

People told us that they were happy with the service provided. They told us that staff were friendly and understanding. They said that staff understood their needs and were patient with them if they felt any anxiety with regards to any treatment they would receive. One person said "Confidentiality and privacy is very good". Another person said "They are a nice group. They treat you well and make you feel at ease. A smile does a lot".

People told us that they were given information about their treatment and that they were given good advice about caring for their teeth. People said that if they had any questions then they were always answered in detail.

People were aware of appointments and felt that everything was well planned. They told us that they were given a reminder about their appointments and that the receptionist would also contact them nearer the time. One person told us "They are very organised".

People we spoke with said that they had not had any reason to make a complaint. They said that if they did have any concerns they felt confident that they could speak to the dentist or another member of staff. Everyone we spoke with said that they felt sure that any concerns would be listened to. One person said that they had been reassured by staff that they could speak to them or ring up if they had any problems.

One person told us that they had moved dentists because this had been recommended to them. They said "I was worried when I first came here as my other dentist was so good'..This dentist has been great".