• Services in your home
  • Homecare service

Archived: Hands at Home Limited

Office 2 -3 The Roundhouse, Dormans Park Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 2EN (01342) 302470

Provided and run by:
Hands at Home Ltd

All Inspections

15 January 2014

During a routine inspection

People had care plans and risk assessments in place that supported their needs. We were told that carers were familiar with peoples' preferences. We were told that both people and family members were involved in the assessment of care required and any changes to this. Care plans were regularly reviewed.

We found that staff had received training in safeguarding people from abuse. Staff told us that they knew how to identify and report concerns.

We saw that staff had the appropriate training and experience in order to deliver appropriate care.

The provider did not have systems in place to assess and monitor the quality of the service people received.

13 February 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Our last inspection on 17 October 2012 identified shortfalls in the way the agency kept records and monitored the care it provided. The provider wrote to us after that visit and told us they had taken action to meet the requirements. This inspection was a follow-up visit to the agency's office to assess whether Hands at Home Limited had made the necessary improvements to be compliant with the Regulations.

As people who used the service did not have access to the paperwork stored at the office, we did not seek their feedback as part of this inspection. The people we spoke with as part of our previous inspection told us that they were happy with the care that they received from this agency.

We looked at the care records for five people who received personal support from the agency. We found that all care records had been reviewed since our last inspection and each of the client files we viewed contained up to date care plans, guidelines and risk assessments. This meant that staff had the necessary information to support people with their assessed needs.

We saw evidence that the agency had developed systems for auditing the care it provided and for monitoring the support that care workers delivered. This meant that the agency had taken steps to ensure people received good quality care that was appropriate to their needs and expectations.

17 October 2012

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we visited the agency's office and met with the manager and office staff. We also interviewed five care workers who were visiting the office.

We spoke with eleven people, including two relatives of people who had received a service from this agency over the telephone. Without exception, everyone we spoke with said that the care workers who supported them always treated them with respect and were 'excellent', 'kind' and 'very caring.'

People reported that they were not told in advance which care workers would be supporting them. Most people said that they had a team of approximately six to eight different people who would support them. Two people we spoke with said that they would like to know in advance who was coming, the other seven people said they were happy as 'whoever comes, I get the care I need.'

All of the people we spoke with told us that their care was personalised to their needs. People said that they felt comfortable and safe with the care workers that supported them. People told us that they felt that care workers were well trained and 'knew what they were doing.'

Nobody raised any concerns or complaints with us about the care that they received from this agency. Two people said that sometimes care workers were late arriving, but no one said that they had ever missed a call.

People told us that if they contacted the agency's office, then staff were always very helpful and polite.