• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Gillett Dental Surgery

Gillett Lane, Rothwell, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS26 0EG (0113) 282 2238

Provided and run by:
Gillett Dental Surgery

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

4 December 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three people who used the service. They all told us they understood the care and treatment choices available to them. They said they were fully involved in decisions about their treatment and the dentist was very good at explaining the treatment options available. The dentist told us, 'I always give people a choice and tell them they do not have to make a decision now. They can go away and consider the options before deciding.'

People we spoke with were very complimentary about the service they received at the surgery.

Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare.

One person we spoke with told us, 'The dentist does a very thorough examination of your mouth and always feels your glands. Someone I know came here and the dentist noticed a mouth ulcer that turned out to be cancer. They told me the dentist saved their life.'

People who use the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening.

People who used the service, staff and visitors were protected against the risks of unsafe or unsuitable premises.

People were cared for, or supported by, suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff.

The provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received.